Jumat, 28 Agustus 2020


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Pengertian dan penggunaan so that dan in order that

So that dan in order that sama-sama digunakan untuk menunjukkan tujuan dari sesuatu (to show the purpose of something).
Kita sering menggunakan modal auxiliary verb seperti can, may, dan would bersama dua frasa bahasa Inggris ini. Kita dapat menggunakan simple present atau simple future “will” setelah so that dan simple present setelah in order that ketika membicarakan masa depan.

contoh kalimat so that / in order that dan artinya: I'll take the earlier flight so that / in order that I arrive early evening. (Saya akan mengambil penerbangan lebih awal agar saya tiba sore hari.)
contoh kalimat so that / in order that dan artinya
That yang mengikuti so sering dihilangkan pada situasi informal. Kata yang merupakan conjunction (kata hubung) ini lebih umum digunakan dibandingkan in order that. Adapun in order that yang merupakan idiom yang berarti “so that something can happen” (agar sesuatu dapat terjadi) lebih formal (more formal) daripada so that.
Selain untuk menunjukkan tujuan dari sesuatu, so that juga dapat digunakan untuk menunjukkan akibat dari sesuatu (to show the result of something).
penggunaan dan rumus so that / in order that: *so that / in order that untuk menunjukkan tujuan dari sesuatu *so that lebih umum, in order that lebih formal *so that / in order that + modal auxiliary verb *so that + simple present/future "will" *in order that + simple presentpenggunaan dan rumus so that / in order that

Contoh kalimat so that dan in order that

No Contoh kalimat so that dan in order that
1 He studied hard so that he could pass the test.
(Dia belajar keras agar dapat lulus tes tersebut.) so that + modal auxiliary verb

2 Please turn down the volume so you can hear me.
(Tolong kecilkan volume supaya kamu dapat mendengar saya.) so that + modal auxiliary verb

3 I’ll tell you the best route so that you will arrive on time. simple future tense or
I’ll tell you the best route so that you arrive on time.
(Saya akan mengatakan padamu rute terbaik supaya kamu tiba tepat waktu.) simple present tense

4 She didn’t replied my texts so that I tried to call her.
(Dia tidak membalas pesan-pesan saya, oleh karena itu saya mencoba meneleponnya.) to show the result of something

5 We will provide you with the right guidance and advice in order that you get the best outcome for your situation.
(Kami akan memberimu bimbingan dan saran yang tepat agar kamu mendapatkan hasil terbaik untuk situasimu.) in order that + simple present tense

6 In order that you are able to complete assignments, learn to manage your time effectively.
(Agar kamu dapat menyelesaikan tugas-tugas, belajar mengatur waktumu dengan efektif.) in order that + simple present tense

Choose so that or in order to to complete the sentences. Give the underline to the answer.

1. I have started an English course (so that / in order to) improve my English.

2. I'm studying very hard nowadays (so that / in order to) I can pass my class.

3. I went to bed early (so that / in order to) wake up early.

4. We all put on our jackets(so that / in order to) keep warm.

5. One should exercise regularly (so that / in order to) keep their body in shape.

6. Make sure your bags are tagged (so that / in order to) you can find them easily.

7. I had to take a cab (so that / in order to) I wouldn't be late for my appointment.

8. I took my digital camera with me (so that / in order to) I could take some photos during my trip.

9. I need to take out a loan from a finance company (so that / in order to) buy a new car.

10. Jason turned off the radio (so that / in order to) he could concentrate on his work.

send your answer to my email @unyilruwimerliana@gmail.com



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Pengertian dan Penggunaan In order to

In order to adalah subordinate conjunction yang diikuti bare infinitive. Keduanya berada di dalam suatu subordinate clause yang berfungsi untuk mengungkapkan tujuan dari sesuatu di dalam main clause.
main clause + subordinate clause (in order to do something)
Kata hubung ini bermakna “with the purpose of (doing or achieving something)” (dengan tujuan untuk (melakukan atau memperoleh sesuatu)) dan lebih umum digunakan di writing daripada speaking. In order to memiliki bentuk negatif, yaitu: in order not to.

Contoh Kalimat In order to

No Contoh Kalimat In order to
1 The student woke up early in order to do homework.
(Siswa tersebut bangun lebih awal untuk mengerjakan PR.)
2 In order to succed, you have to believe in yourself.
(Untuk sukses, kamu harus percaya pada dirimu sendiri.)
3 I set an alarm on my phone in order not to overlseep.
(Saya mengatur alarm di handphone agar tidak kelebihan tidur.)
4In order to proceed, please provide additional detail about your work experience.
(Untuk melanjutkan, tolong tambahkan rincian tambahan tentang pengalaman kerjamu.)

Rabu, 26 Agustus 2020

Modals (WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 26TH 2020, ON 8E)

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Assalamualaikum wr.wb

Good morning guys..

Today we study about MODAL Auxillary verb

Pengertian Modal Auxiliary Verb

Modal Auxiliary verb adalah kata yang ditempatkan sebelum main verb (kata kerja utama) untuk memodifikasi makna dari kata kerja utama tersebut.
Fungsinya untuk mengekspresikan willingness (kemauan) atau ability (kemampuan), necessity (kebutuhan), dan possibility (kemungkinan). Kata kerja bantu ini antara lain: cancouldmaymightwillwouldshallshouldmust, dan ought to.

Beberapa Fungsi dan Contoh Kalimat Modal Auxiliary Verb

Modal auxiliary verbs: can, could, may, might, will, would, shall, should, must, dan ought to.
modal auxiliary verbs

Can dan Could

Can dan could dapat digunakan untuk menyatakan ability (kemampuan). Bedanya, could untuk menyatakan ability (kemampuan) di masa lalu (past). Keduanya dapat berfungsi untuk Modal verb ini juga dapat pula digunakan untuk meminta izin (permission) untuk melakukan sesuatu.

Contoh Kalimat Modal Auxiliary Verb “can dan could”

1You can buy anything with your money but you can‘t buy love.
(Kamu dapat membeli apapun dengan uangmu tapi kamu tidak dapat membeli cinta)
2Can I borrow your car for one night?
(Bisakah saya meminjam mobilmu selama satu malam?)
3You could run faster than me two years ago.
(Kamu dapat berlari lebih cepat dari saya dua tahun lalu.)
4Could I use your computer to print and scan?
(Bolehkah saya memakai komputermu untuk print dan scan?)

May dan Might

May dan might dapat digunakan untuk menyatakan possibility (kemungkinan) di masa sekarang (present) dan masa depan (future).
May dapat digunakan untuk meminta izin (permission)  dimana modal verb ini lebih formal dari can. Adapun might ketika digunakan untuk meminta izin (permission) yang bersifat lebih formal daripada modal verb could. Dibanding maymight lebih tentatif (tidak pasti) kejadiannya.

Contoh Kalimat Modal Auxiliary Verb “may dan might”

1He may work out and eat healthy food every day.
(Dia mungkin berlatih dan memakan makanan sehat setiap hari.)
2You may/might forget the embarassing incident tomorrow.
(Kamu mungkin melupakan insiden memalukan itu besok.)
3May I go home now?
(Bolehkah saya pulang sekarang?) permission
4If I have cleaned the room, might I play with my friend?
(Jika saya sudah membersihkan ruangan, bolehkah saya main dengan teman?) permission

Will dan Would

Will untuk menyatakan willingness (kemauan). Willingness dapat diungkapkan dalam conditional sentence type 1 maupun invitation (undangan/ajakan). Would juga dapat digunakan untuk menyatakan willingness (kemauan), namun lebih polite (sopan). Selain untuk mengungkapkan willingnesswill dan would dapat pula digunakan untuk membicarakan kemungkinan atau membuat prediksi.
Would saja dapat dipadukan dengan auxiliary have dan past participle (verb-3) untuk membentuk conditional sentence type 3. Disini would untuk menyatakan tindakan yang ingin dilakukan di masa lalu.

Contoh Kalimat Modal Auxiliary Verb “will dan would”

1will help you if you help yourself first.
(Saya akan membantumu jika kamu membantu dirimu sendiri dulu.) conditional sentence type 1
2Will you marry me?
(Maukah kamu menikah dengan saya?)
3I’ll give you a glass of water.
(Saya akan memberimu segelas air.)
4Would you like to see my craft?
(Maukah kamu melihat kerajinan tanganku?)
5The sandstorm will come tonight.
(Badai pasir akan datang nanti malam.) prediksi
6My father had a strong feeling that the weather would be warm.
(Ayah saya punya perasaan kuat bahwa cuaca akan hangat.) prediksi
7If you had remembered to invite me, I would have attended your party.
(Jika kamu ingat mengundang saya, saya menghadiri pestamu.) conditional sentence type 3


Shall [British English] digunakan untuk menyatakan simple future seperti halnya will namun hanya digunakan pada first person (orang pertama) I dan weShall [US English] jarang digunakan selain untuk polite question untuk first personModal verb ini juga dapat digunakan untuk menyatakan obligation (kewajiban) pada formal situation (yang dapat berupa legal document maupun pada saat meeting. Pada situasi ini, baik second maupun third person dapat digunakan dengan modal verb ini.

Contoh Kalimat Modal Auxiliary Verb “shall”

1We shall overcome it someday.
(Kita akan mengatasinya suatu hari nanti.)
2Shall we pay a call him?
(Haruskah kita menjenguknya?) polite question
3Shall I give you some advice?
(Haruskah saya memberimu nasehat?) polite question
4The Human Resource manager shall report the employee performance.
(HR manager harus melaporkan performansi karyawan.)


Should untuk memberi suggestion (saran) atau advice (nasehat).

Contoh Kalimat Modal Auxiliary Verb “should”

1You should see the doctor.
(Kamu harus ke dokter.)
2We should meet more often.
(Kita harus bertemu lebih sering.)


Must dipadukan dengan not untuk menyatakan prohibition (larangan). Selain itu, modal verb ini juga dapat untuk mengekspresikan obligation (kewajiban) atau necessity (kebutuhan).

Contoh Kalimat Modal Auxiliary Verb “must”

1You mustn’t give up.
(Kamu tidak boleh menyerah.)
2We must go to bed now.
(Kita harus tidur sekarang.)

contoh kalimat modal auxiliary verb dan artinya: I mustn't abandon what I have started. (Saya tidak boleh mengabaikan apa yang sudah saya mulai.)

Ought to

Ought to digunakan untuk menyatakan apa yang benar atau tepat.

Contoh Kalimat Modal Auxiliary Verb “ought to”

1ought to wear high quality running shoes.
(Saya harus menggunakan sepatu lari berkualitas tinggi.)
2We ought to select the best candidate for the job.
(Kita harus memilih kandidat terbaik untuk pekerjaan tsb.)
Do this task for example
Pilihlah auxiliary verb yang tepat untuk melengkapi kalimat di bawah ini.
  1. You … throw litter from your vehicle because it can pose a risk to the environment.

    1. mustn’t
    2. won’t
  2. … you please check my paper for grammar errors?

    1. can
    2. may
  3. If I ask a question about your past, … you answer it?

    1. would
    2. will
  4. You … pay your credit card bill immediately.

    1. would
    2. should
  5. She … do more than two tasks at one time yesterday.

    1. could
    2. can
  6. Had the applicant sent his resume before the deadline, he … worked here.

    1. might
    2. might have
  7. Vira has very smooth skin. She … apply olive oil to her face before going to bed.

    1. may
    2. should
  8. … you mind checking out my website?

    1. could
    2. would
  9. … I resend my resume?

    1. would
    2. shall
Continue your task on modul chapter 4 do the exercises on your modul chapter 1 and 2

After that take a picture you task and sent to my email at unyilruwimerliana@gmail.com


Rabu, 19 Agustus 2020


| | 21 komentar

Asking and Giving Opinion | Pengertian, Jenis dengan Contoh Dialog ...
 assalamualaikum wr.wb



Ocay back to daring again. lets' learn this material !!

let's  learn this video



AFTER FINISH, PLEASE SEND TO MY EMAIL (unyilruwimerliana@gmail.com) and also open SIMASKOT, give the comment and send your task on that.!!!

TASK 1 Listen first, and complete it.
                             Listening lesson – Basic 23

 Man               : "Life's so                 (a)."
Woman        : "Well, most of the time it is, I guess."
Man               : "What do you think will make you                               (b)?"
Woman        : "I think                                     (c) will make me happy."
Man               : "You heard people say that money doesn't guarantee                                       (d)."
Woman        : "It will for me. Then I can do all the things I want to do."
Man               : "You'll get bored eventually."
Woman        : "Then I can find something new to do. If I don't have to worry about money, then I don't have to                            (e)."
Man               : "That's true, I guess. If I didn't have to work,
                          I                  (f) I would be happy."
Woman        : "You see... money doesn't equal happiness, but it takes away a lot of responsibilities."

listen the audio below⇓⇓⇓

TASK 2 Practice this dialogue below with your partner !

1.   Adi        : In my opinion, the teachers should not give their students too much homework.
Fikri      : I don’t think so. We must study hardly to get our dream. What do you think Jati?
Jati        : To my mind, we need time to have fun. Do you have any thoughts on that Detty?
Detty   : Well guys, from my point of view, I think a student need to do lots of practice at home because practice makes us perfect. So, I don’t mind having homework.

2.   Roni               : Hi Rina, what are you doing?
     Rina      : Hi Roni. I'm reading a magazine.
     Roni     : What are you reading? Look! Do you know this actor?
     Roni      : Of course I know him. He is Richard Gere, right?
Rina      : You are right. I love his acting in film "Pretty Woman".   What's your opinion about him?
     Roni     : In my opinion, he is a professional actor. He is not only good at film "Pretty Woman" but also the other films he has acted, like Days of Heaven in 1978, First Knight in 1983 Runaway Bride in 1999          
     Rina      : Oh, dear. You know him so well
Rino    : Sure, Don't you know that I am one of his fans?
Rina      : Really?                                    
Rino      : Yes, dear.



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Today i will take your score in listening, so please do this task carefully!!

Materi : Expressing CONGRATS

task 2 on your modul book

Task   2
Listen to the audio then complete the blank spaces!

SINTA : I’ve just heard from your _______. That’s ________!
DIANA : Thank you ever ______ for ______ me out. I don’t know what I would have ______without you.
SINTA : You ______ to get it! You’ve ______ so hard.
DIANA : How are you ______ for your ______ year?
SINTA : How are you ______ for your _______ year?
DIANA : I _______, I’ll see ____ it after my _______.

clik here to listen the audio↓

Task  3
Listen to the audio then complete the blank spaces!


Giving & Receiving Compliment – Dialog 1
Jane:     Good morning Mr. John
John:     Good morning Ms. Jane
Jane:     Here is _________ of the ________ project Sir..
John:     Wow really? Great.. That is ________ Ms. Jane..
Jane:     Thanks sir..

Giving & Receiving Compliment – Dialog 2

Son:       Hi Dad..
Dad:       How was your day at school, Son?
Son:       It was _________ Daddy…
Dad:       Are you sure? Why was that?
Son:       I got A on almost all my exams..
Dad:       __________! Congratulations! I’m proud of you..
Son:       Thank you Daddy.

Giving & Receiving Compliment – Dialog 3
Jane:     Hai Laura.. ________?
Laura:    Yeah.. I bought it at yard sale yesterday.
Jane:     What a ________.. You look beautiful in that.
Laura:    Thanks Jane..

Giving & Receiving Compliment – Dialog 4
Anna:    Who _______ this cake? Is it you?
Laura:    Yes I am. Does it taste good?
Anna:    I love this ______! You are a good cooker.
Laura:    Thanks Anna. I appreciate that.

Giving & Receiving Compliment – Dialog 5
Jane:     You look really beautiful today.
Anna:    Thanks. I just got this outfit from the _____________..
Jane:     Really?
Anna:    I got it from my aunt’s garage sale
Jane:     It’s really nice
Anna:    Thanks again. Your _________ look nice too..
Jane:     Thank you. I just got these from walmart..
Anna:    Really? ___________?
Jane:     Yeah they are on sale…
Anna:    I really like those. How much did they cost?
Jane:     They were about ____________.
Anna:    I think I’m going to go buy myself a pair.

Giving & Receiving Compliment – Dialog 6
Laura:    I like your shirt. That color _________ on you!
Jane:     Seriously? I just bought this outfit yesterday.
Laura:    I do, it looks really nice on you. Where did you buy it from?
Jane:     I bought it from _________.
Laura:    I really like that __________.
Jane:     Thanks. I think you look nice today too
Laura:    Thank you. I just bought these shoes too
Jane:     Do they have _________? This one looks __________ on you.
Laura:    I think so..
Jane:     Let me check it out later at the store.
Laura:    Yes, you________.

Giving & Receiving Compliment – Dialog 7
John:     What a _________ you have.
James:  Thanks, I’ve just bought it yesterday.. I’ll use it to __________ to school.
John:     You bought it with your _______ money?
James:  Yeah… I have been saving money since two years ago.
John:     Are you sure?
James:  Sure. I save my money, cent by cent, dollar by dollar.
John:     What a _____________!
James:  Thanks.

Giving & Receiving Compliment – Dialog 8
Laura:    You look beautiful tonight. That is a nice dress you are wearing.
Anna:    I appreciate your ______. My mother bought it.
Laura:    Your ___________ it? She had a good taste.
Anna:    Yes. She bought in Indonesia..
Laura:    You look beautiful with that dress. She has _______.
Anna:    Thank you.

Giving & Receiving Compliment – Dialog 9
James:  Hello, how are _______ going on?
Jane:     Hi. Good, and you?
James:  I’m feeling great today. How was your weekend with your family?
Jane:     Excellent! We had a ________. You should have gone there with us.
James:  Really? Anyway, ___________ shoes you are wearing. It _____ your dress.
Jane:     Thanks a lot. My sister bought it for me last week.
James:  Great Job. Your sister has a good taste.

Giving & Receiving Compliment – Dialog 10
Anna:    What a beautiful bag, Mrs. Laura.
Laura:    Thanks, _______ you like it. _____, your new hair-do looks wonderful. What a lovely ___!
Anna:    Thank you maam. How’s your _______ stay in our hotel?
Laura:    I really _____ all the extra work you did on helping us to have ______ stay here. My _____ to your work ethic.
Anna:    Thank you maam. How kind of you to say so.


Soal Expressing Agreement and Disagreement

X : Is Puncak Pass resort near here?
Y : Yes, it is.
Z : .... it's about 100 kilometers from here.
X: Oh, really?
A. I disagree with you.
B. I quite agree.
C. I think so too.
D. It certainly is.

Mother: you know that Tamara always takes sleeping pills to solve her problems.
Father: That's wrong. It can be dangerous for her life if she doesn't change her bad habit. She should go to a specialist or share her problems with someone she trusts.
The underlined expression expresses ....
A. sympathy
B. possibility
C. disagreement
D. uncertainty

send to my email: unyilruwimerliana@gmail.com


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