Senin, 06 April 2020

Exercise for grade 8 E-G

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Read  The Text Carefully
The holiday had come. At first, I had no ideas how to spend my free time. I had no plan because I knew my parents were very busy. My father was finishing his project, while my mother had to take care my little sister. She was just five months.
 Luckily, one of my friends, Zaki, didn’t have any plans either. So he came to my house nearly every day during the holiday. We did a lot of things.
 On the first day, we went around the city by motorcycle. We stopped by at some malls in the city and enjoyed window shopping.
 The next day I thought Zaki how to play volleyball. It took three days for him to be able to do the service gswell.
We spent the last two days by visiting museum in our city: Ronggowarsito and Mandala Bakti museum. We learnt a lot of from the things displayed in the museum.
Answer the questions
  1. Why did the writer have no ideas to spend his holiday?
  2. What was his father doing then?
  3. How long was the holiday?
  4. Mention the things the writer did during the holiday.
  5. It took three days for him to be able to do the service. What does the word him in the sentence above refer to?

December 12, 2014
Jalan Permata No.15

Dear Tiara
I’m so glad knowing that you will come here next holiday. It’s been almost two years we haven’t met each other since our graduation. I miss you so much.
Any way, we have a new park. It is a beautiful place to hang out with friends and family. If you come here, I will take you there.
You said you would go by train. However, I don’t know when you will come here exactly. Please tell me the time, so I can pick you up at the railway station.
O.K, that’s all for you now. Please reply soon. Send my love to your parents.

Answer the questions
6.                6Where will Tiara plan to spend her next holiday?
  1. How long have they been separated?
  2. If you come here I will take you there.What does the word there in the sentence above refer to?
  3.  What will Donita do when Tiara come?
  1. How would Tiara go to Donita’s town?

catatan : Tulis soal dan jawaban yang benar saja

13 komentar:

Dewinta Fortuna Augustin mengatakan...

Thank you mam
Dewinta 8F

Laudy mengatakan...

Terimakasih Miss
Laudy 8E

Ainaa mengatakan...

Thank you mam
Aina 8e

Rara mengatakan...

Terimakasih mam
Nur arafah 8e

Farida Febrian Fazanisa mengatakan...

thank you mam
—farida 8e

meldariztaviola mengatakan...

Thank you mam
Melda 8E

Annisa mengatakan...

Thank you mam
Annisa 8E

Klararahma mengatakan...

Thank you mam
Klara 8e

Balqis zahra fairus mengatakan...

Thank you mam
Balqis 8e

Sherly mengatakan...

Terimakasih mam sherly 8f

Luthfia salsabila sungkar mengatakan...

Thank mam
Luthfia 8F

eki mengatakan...

Terima kasih mem
Dani 8F

Zyta Lauta Allura mengatakan...

thanks mem,,
Dimas Adjie W 8f

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