Minggu, 19 April 2020

Report text (continue) for grade IX A - H

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Good morning everybody, I hope all of you in the good feeling right now. So today we will continue our material.
We have studied about report text. Report text is a type of document written by someone or group of people to announce the result of an investigation or announce something to the proper authorities. The information given in a report text is very general information. The purpose of a report text is to present information about something generally.

So your exercise for today is please make a report text (depend on you).

You have to write two paragraphs. One paragraph is consist of five sentences.
This material for grade IX A - H only for 20-24 April 2020, please learn by yourselves and do the exercises correctly. 
Don' forget to send your exercises by  picture to via wa miss hany +62 895-6205-88664

8 komentar:

muhammad farhan mengatakan...

muhammad farhan 9a

Faisa Ms Wari mengatakan...

Faisa Maheswari 9A

Vanza atha zufaro mengatakan...

Vanza Atha Zufaro 9A

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Raden Leo Three Pawaka 9C

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Fitria Putri Ramadhani 9C

saphiranvdra mengatakan...

Saphira nava edrea kelas 9h

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Zaniar Aurora Berlian 9h

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Devita anjelina 9H

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