Senin, 09 November 2020


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 Assalamua'alaikum wr.wb

Good morning my lovely students for grade 8. I hope you are very happy and always keep your healthy yaa..

oh yaa how about your praying subuh and dhuha? was you doing it? I Hope you always do pray subuh and dhuha ontime and always reading the al qur'an yaa 😊

ok my students, today we are coming to the next material about RECOUNT TEXT.

Kompetensi Inti

´Memahami makna teks tulis fungsional dan esai pendek sederhana berbentuk descriptive  dan recount yang berkaitan dengan lingkungan sekitar.

Kompetensi Dasar

 ´Mengungkapkan makna dalam bentuk teks tulis fungsional pendek sederhana dengan menggunakan ragam bahasa tulis secara akurat, lancar dan berterima untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan sekitar.

Tujuan Pembelajaran 

´Siswa dapat Menguasai tata bahasa yang terkait dengan jenis teks

´Siswa dapat Memperoleh berbagai informasi terkait jenis teks

´Siswa dapat Menguasai tujuan komunikatif dari teks yang ditulis

´Siswa dapat mempraktekkan recount text dalam bentuk video diri


Before I explain about this material, please you answer my questions!! (JAWAB PERTANYAAN INI DAN TULIS JAWABANNYA DI KOLOM KOMENTAR YA)

1. When you was holiday last time ?

2. Where you and your family always holiday?

3.  How about that places when you holiday?

ok now please study this video👇👇😀

to make you more clear please open this  power point👇






37 komentar:

Unknown mengatakan...

1.Two monts Ago
2.beaches and waterfails
3.very beautiful and good

Unknown mengatakan...

1.two monts ago
2.beach and waterfails
4.very beautiful and good
M.faiz seachan 8d

dewinta828 mengatakan...
Komentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.
dewinta828 mengatakan...
Komentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.
Atika ghaisani mengatakan...

1.when you was holiday last time?
-one month ago
2.where you and your family always holiday?
-beach and garden
3. How about that places when you holiday?
-which is crowned and very beautiful place
Atika ghaisani 8D

Anggi Anggraini mengatakan...

1. 1 years ago
2. Lembang Floating Market in Bandung
3. The place is cold and very comfertable for a vacation

Anggi Anggraini 8D

Anisa Putri 9A mengatakan...

Name:Anisa Putri
Class: 8D

1. When you was holiday last time ?

2. Where you and your family always holiday?

3. How about that places when you holiday?

Answer :

1. The last date is 02-11-2020

2. beach and so on

3. It's really fun and very exciting, I can play in the sand on the beach, look for shells, swim, and many more

Elifadewi mengatakan...

Elifa Dewi Baryza 8d

1 two years ago
2 at grandma's house
3 great fun

Ridho tri islando mengatakan...

Name : Ridho tri islando
Class:8D month ago and beach
3.the place is very beautiful

Amir husein mengatakan...

1 years ago
At my father house in Bangka Belitung
Great fun
M Amir Husein 8E

alifia sabrina mengatakan...

Name: Alifia Sabrina
Class: 8d
1.When was the last time you were on vacation?
- two weeks ago
2. Where do you and your family always vacation?
- beach, grandpa and grandma's house and other fun places.

3. What about those places when you are on vacation?
- it's such a lovely place that it can make us happy and always want to go there again

Siti Rosyidah mengatakan...
Komentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.
Siti Rosyidah mengatakan...

1. Three years ago
2. Usually we go to Menggala or Tubaba
3. It's a nice vacation

Raisyah Hanifa mengatakan...

Nama:Raisyah Hanifa

1. 1 month ago
2. At the simpur center mall
3. Very nice

Vakhroh Ardelia mengatakan...

Nama :Vakhroh Ardelia V.H.
Kelas: 8E

1. When you was holiday last time ?
3 months ago

2. Where you and your family always holiday?

3. How about that places when you holiday?
it was really fun, jakarta has many exiting and fun vacations spots

Aline Kurnia putri mengatakan...

Name : Aline Kurnia Putri
Class: 8e month ago and beach
3.the place is very beautiful

Desty Auliya Utami mengatakan...

Nama:Desty Auliya Utami
Kelas:VIII D
1.two months ago
2.labuhan jukung beach
3.great fun

Ibanez revaliano mengatakan...

1. When you was holiday last time ?=thursday

2. Where you and your family always holiday? Grandma's home

3. How about that places when you holiday? Beautiful, cool, and fun

Arinda mengatakan...

nama:arinda siska aulia

1. When you was holiday last time ?
3 months ago

2. Where you and your family always holiday?
east java

3. How about that places when you holiday?
beatiful and cool

Rasyid Ar ridho khalik mengatakan...

1.~One Week Ago

~Rasyid Ar Ridho Khalik

Raihan Pahlevi mengatakan...

1.1 Years Ago
3.So cool so many tall build

~M.Raihan Pahlevi

Nayla Auriel mengatakan...

Name : Nayla Auriel Iryansyah
Class : 8E

1. Ten months ago

2. At Tarahan city, grandpa house

3. It was fun.. we go to the sebalang beach.

Ferlina mengatakan...

name; Ferlina Rizki Natasya
class; 8E

1.3 monts ago
2. jakarta
3. great fun

Rizky Jaka mengatakan...

Name:Rizky Jaka putra

1.2 weeks ago
2.back to hometown
3.very nice

raisyah kamila mengatakan...

Name : raisyah kamila putri
Class : 8D years ago
3.the place is very beautiful

RICKY D mengatakan...

Name:Ricky Darmawan

1.Five months ago
2.Back to hometown
3.It's very fun there

amanda mengatakan...

two years ago
the place is beautiful and very pleasant there

—Amanda Wahyuni 8d

Vallerie_02JKLUVV mengatakan...

Name : Vallerie Kishi
Class: 8d years ago
3.the place is very beautiful

Satria fadhil mengatakan...

Nama:Muhammad Satria Fadhil

1.Two years ago
2.Grandpa's house is a beautiful place, there are fields, vast trees and others

Sultan zacky a.h mengatakan...

Nama :Sultan zacky a.h
Kelas : 8d

1.Eight months ago
3.there the scenery is very Beautiful

Nissakhairunnisa mengatakan...

Nama : Jihan khairunnisa
Kelas : 8E
Tgl : 10 November 2020

1.when you was holiday last time?
-one month ago

2.where you and your family always holiday?
-beach and garden

3. How about that places when you holiday?
-which is crowned and very beautiful place

Unknow mengatakan...

1.When was the last time you were on vacation?
- two weeks ago
2. Where do you and your family always vacation?
- beach, grandpa and grandma's house and other fun places.

3. What about those places when you are on vacation?
- it's such a lovely place that it can make us happy and always want to go there again
Dava Abi Al corrin

deraa mengatakan...

1.two weeks ago
2.beach is beutiful place

Dera aulia athani

Deagstna mengatakan...

Nama:Dhea Agustina

•a few months ago
•So beautiful

Naura Indira firanti mengatakan...

Nama: Naura Indira
kelas: 8E

•3 daya ayo
•my fathers hometown
• very comfortable

Arissasya8327 mengatakan...

-One month ago
-Grandma house
-Cold and lots of plants

Arissa Syafina

Scania mengatakan...

-one month ago
-dinner with family
-The place is interesting, nice, and lots of photo spots

-scania 8f

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